Playing with horses in their own space

I have recently been playing with my horses in their pasture, taking advantage of the natural obstacles to challenge our communication skills and increase our mutual trust. We have walked and trotted sideways over logs and creeks, squeezed between tree trunks and under a tarp, practiced traveling circles on a point-to-point course, and more.

Erin and Dave play Squeeze Game among the trees
The horses are enjoying the novelty of playing in a different yet familiar place, and I find that my own imagination and creativity have been inspired by the change of environment. Even the horses that I’m not playing with get into the spirit of things and tend to follow us from obstacle to obstacle. Maybe they are getting some ideas to use in their own horseplay when we aren’t around. Food for thought!
Erin and Centella play Squeeze Game among the trees

One Comment Add yours

  1. Tessa Ramsay says:

    I’ve enjoyed doing this at liberty before too, using my energy to drive a horse to obstacles from behind (zone 5) and let him sort through puzzles or show me their troubles. I think horses definitely gain from power of observation – helping one horse causes processing for the others in the surrounding environment. Keep it up . . . a horse’s home can reveal her deepest fears and her deepest motivations. Enjoy 😉

